Hindu Temple

Hindu temples are known by many different names, varying on region and language, including Alayam, Mandir, Mandira, Ambalam, Gudi, Kavu, Koil, Kovil, Deul, Raul, Devasthana, Degul, Deva Mandiraya and Devalaya.

Hindu temple is a symbolic house, the seat and dwelling of Hindu gods. It is a structure designed to bring human beings and gods together according to Hindu faith. Inside its Garbhagriha innermost sanctum, a Hindu temple contains a Murti or Hindu gods image. Hindu temples are large and magnificent with a rich history. There is evidence of use of sacred ground as far back as the Bronze Age and later the Indus Valley Civilization.

Hindu temples have been built in various countries around the world, including Cambodia, Nepal, Mauritius, Indonesia, Bangladesh, Great Britain, the United States, Australia, South Africa, Malaysia, Singapore and Canada.


এই ব্লগটি থেকে জনপ্রিয় পোস্টগুলি

১৯৫০-এর বরিশাল দাঙ্গা ও হিন্দু সম্প্রদায়ের উপর নির্যাতনের সূত্রপাত

তেলকুপী মন্দির

তাম্রলিপি ও তাম্রশাসন